There is a reason that magazines and advertisers use a food stylist for their pictures. If you think these pictures look appetizing, it is time to get out of the trailer park a little more often.
one whose head is so far up their rear end it could pass for a hat; used to describe a person who is stubborn, cruel, or otherwise unpleasant to be around.
We will dish on all the asshats in our lives, in the public eye, or just people who piss us off.
Have an asshat story to share, email us!
All About Eve Eve is a married mother of two children living in New York City. She thinks everyone has at least a little bit of asshat in them. Except herself and Elaine. Eve finds this blog to be cathartic in that she can vent about people and not have to deal with them and their bullshittery.
Getting to know Elaine Elaine hates your asshatery, and this is what she is doing with it.Elaine loves Juju-bees, big salads and the sponge. Elaine dislikes toupees, close talkers and people who don't use exclamation points. Telling it like it is sometimes means exposing people and their asshat ways and there is nothing Elaine likes better.
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